Griggs received a new bicycle and pedestrian bridge over I-94 a few years ago and in 2014 the entire North-South stretch of Griggs was transformed into a bike boulevard. The Friendly Streets Initiative is working with the Lex-Ham Community Council, Union Park District Council, CommonBond Communities – Skyline Tower and Lexington Commons, and the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation to improve wayfinding and placemaking on and around the bridge north and south of the freeway. We held a kickoff block party on April 25th, see photos here! This was followed by an online survey period and a community design workshop by the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation.
Newly Published
Lexington Hamline and Griggs Better Bridges Report
Lexington Hamline and Griggs Bridge Design Recommendations by the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation
Other Resources:
Here’s a fun timelapse video Matty Lang created that shows what it’s like to bike along the new Griggs bikeway northward over the bridge to connect with the Charles bike boulevard.