Our work with local artists in the communities our projects touch is ever evolving. Here’s highlights of the artists and art projects we’ve brought to our events and project sites from 2010-present. Please email our Artist Organizer Robyn Hendrix at robyn@fsimn.org if you are interested in future art opportunities with Friendly Streets or would like to get in touch with one of these artists.
2015 Friendly Streets Artists
Haitian Dancers at National Afternoon Out at Aurora & Victoria
Aztec Dancers at Aurora & Victoria National Afternoon Out
In 2011 the first Friendly Streets Initiative project to created space for neighbors to get involved in the transformation of Charles Avenue into a bike boulevard, with five block parties in Hamline Midway and Frogtown. The initiative got a little creative help via a partnership with Springboard for the Arts, hiring 10 artists to concoct and implement creative placemaking activities at the events.
Artists: Rudy Arnold, Molly Balcom Raleigh, Bridget Beck, Conie Borchardt, Amelia Brown, Talia Galowitch, Robyn Hendrix, Jennifer Johnson, Shakun Maheshwari, and Annabella Miller Sardelis. Full project descriptions from 2011 can be found beginning on page 8 of the Charles Avenue Phase 1 Report.
Artist Bridget Beck’s Ring Toss Benches
Vacant Heart: flag making for vacant homes
Vacant Heart
Doubling up on paint brushes!
Part of Robyn Hendrix, Jen Johnson and Talia Galowitch’s Playmagination Space at Charles